A batter is out if the ball is caught if the base to which they are running is touched with the ball or if, while running, they are touched with the ball by a fielder. Rounders in poker can refer to any number of things, but typically they are used as a synonym for 'high card'. The batter must strike at a good ball and attempt to run a rounder in an anti-clockwise direction around the first, second, and third base and home to the fourth, though they may stay at any of the first three. Points (known as 'rounders') are scored by the batting team when one of their players completes a circuit past four bases without being put 'out'. As of 2015 rounders is played by seven million children in the UK.Gameplay centres on a number of innings, in which teams alternate at batting and fielding. The game is popular among British and Irish school children, particularly among girls. The name baseball was superseded by the name rounders in England, while other modifications of the game played elsewhere retained the name baseball. The players score by running around the four bases on the field.Played in England since Tudor times, it is referenced in 1744 in the children's book A Little Pretty Pocket-Book where it was called Base-Ball.
Rounders is a striking and fielding team game that involves hitting a small, hard, leather-cased ball with a rounded end wooden, plastic, or metal bat. Rounders is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams. Wikipedia Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes